3 Days of Design Festival, Copenhagen

This June, a group of 20 A-Level DT Product Design students travelled to Copenhagen to take in the world-renowned “3 Days of Design Festival”.  Copenhagen is already viewed as a global hub of all things design and the festival is the city’s biggest and most important event.

The three-day event brought together over 400 exhibitors from across the globe, showcasing the latest innovations in furniture, lighting, architecture and interior design. The festival's theme, "Sustainable Futures," emphasised the growing importance of eco-friendly practices in design. Many exhibitors presented products made from recycled materials or designed for circular economy principles.  This will not only feed directly into the students’ A-Level work but is something that will hopefully inspire them for years to come.

The festival extended beyond showrooms and exhibition spaces, spilling onto the streets of Copenhagen, and the students were able to explore pop-up installations in public squares and small businesses. As well as events involved in the festival, students visited the Danish Architecture Centre, the Design Museum, the Rouse Tower and Freetown Christiania and covered a huge portion of the city on foot.

It was an amazing trip and one that we hope to repeat next year!