Move It campaign calls for free transport for students
In a survey conducted by the National Union of Students, 51 per cent of students said they were cutting back on transport costs.
That's more than half of students and apprentices travelling to classes less because they just can’t afford it.
As always, it’s the students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are being hit the hardest, missing out on vital teaching time, harming their grades and limiting their opportunities.
Sign the petition and join the campaign for free transport for students and apprentices across the UK.
A relentless cost-of-living crisis is forcing students to cut back on the essentials: including food, healthcare, and transport.
This cannot go on. In Scotland, after extensive campaigning by NUS Scotland and our supporters, under-22s have access to free bus travel. This is a step in the right direction, but we want this UK-wide for all students, and with no age caps.
The Move It campaign demands free and safe public transport for all students and apprentices across UK.
We are calling on all students and apprentices to get involved, sign the petition, share it and help us organise locally and nationally to secure this win.