Team Sports Match Report
Click here for a round up of our team sports that took place this afternoon - Wednesday 23 November 2022.
Huge thanks to A Level Photography students Jaymee Wardell and Ellie Watson for taken these excellent photos!
Netball – AoC Sport East League 2
The Long Road Netball team played at home against Luton 6th Form College, both teams playing in the AOC Sport East Netball League 2.
Long was able to accomplish a calm, controlled as well as skilful style of play the whole way down the court for the full 60 minutes. This allowed them to gain a large lead by the end of the first quarter.
Long Road was able to work together, support one other and maintain the momentum to beat Luton 55 - 17 by the end of the final whistle. This will give the girls confidence going into the AOC Sport Regional Tournament next week.
Long Road vs Luton SFC (23 Nov. 2022)
Photo Credit: Jaymee Wardell & Ellie Watson - A Level Photography
Long Road vs Luton SFC (23 Nov. 2022)
Photo Credit: Jaymee Wardell & Ellie Watson - A Level Photography
Long Road vs Luton SFC (23 Nov. 2022)
Photo Credit: Jaymee Wardell & Ellie Watson - A Level Photography
Long Road vs Luton SFC (23 Nov. 2022)
Photo Credit: Jaymee Wardell & Ellie Watson - A Level Photography