FXP Festival 2023
Bringing together the world of game design and development with the technology industry, as well as computer science, art, design, and English language, the FXP Festival gives you a glimpse of what your dream career in Game Development could look like!
All students can take part and there is no subject specific course (Computing, Media, etc) that is needed.
Students would be registered in teams and work together to create a video game based around a specific theme which the organisers of the FXP set each year. Previous years’ themes have included: Apollo, Super and Prime.
Each student will likely have a different responsiblity or role in the team including (programming, art, game design, sound, narrative writing etc).
The competition starts Monday 13th March 2023 with the Submission deadline: 12 June 2023 (The development stage lasts for around 14 weeks).
You can find out more information on the following website: https://fxpfestival.com/fxp-2023/
The Festival will comprise three core modules:
- Game Narrative
- Game Concept & Design
- Game Production
If you would like to be part of a team representing Long Road please email Aidan or speak to Gareth Adams in D109.